Elizabeth Eleraky
Red Team
I started with 5ks in 2014 just for fun then I ran a 8k turkey day race. I proceeded to run a half marathon in 2016. I put my name in for the Chicago Marathon lottery and ended up getting selected which made me begin to train for it in 2016. I ran Chicago two more times (2017 and 2019). My first trail run was a 18 mile long run for the Chicago marathon in 2017. My friend, Jimmy invited me to run trails with him and a few others. I knew nothing about trails but fell in love with the beauty of the trails and how it was more challenging than road running. In 2018, my friend Megan invited me to run Fondren urban ultra which is a 5k loop course that one has 12 hours to run as little or as much as they want. I set a goal for myself to run a 50k that day and did it with the limited training I had prepared for for the race. I joined a trail running training group in 2019 and loved the people I was around. I learned really quick that trail running was more challenging than road running. I ran some 50ks, ran a 100k and decided I wanted to run a 100 miler. I chose Lake Martin 100 miler and trained hard for that race: early morning runs, late runs, treadmill incline walks, and stair master workouts. I finished Lake Martin 3rd female. What meant the most were all the training time I spent training and all the people who trained with me and came to support me. There is such a feeling of accomplishment after finishing a 100 miler race knowing the ups and downs of not only training and the race but also in life. I have completed 2 other 100 mile races: Arkansas Traveller and Rocky Raccoon. I also ran Tunnel Hill 50 miler and then paced my friend in his first 100 miler for his miles 65-100. I found such joy helping my friend through his tough moments in his 100 miler and was in such awe as I saw him cross the finish line.
I hope to PR in my 100 and 50 miler. I would like to run a sub 5:30 50k.
instagram: lizzycatherine; strava: Lizzy Eleraky; Facebook: Elizabeth Eleraky