Gwenn Case
Blue Team
I'm 53, married (to the infamous Jamie Case), and have 3 sons, 13, 15, and 24.
Running for me began with OCR, it was the necessary evil to get from obstacle to obstacle in a race. I was never fast, competed in high jump in track. I woke up on a trail one day, and realized that I was in love. Time on the trail is peace in my mind. The people you meet out here are one of a kind, amazing humans. At 53 I am not the fiercest OCR competitor, but I can grind out some distance on dirt. After cancer diagnosis in 2016, and losing my mom to pancreatic cancer, I decided that, knowing the next day is never promised, I was going to reach for goals I never imagined I could achieve. I am currently training with Becca Jones, and she is helping me reach new levels of performance and self confidence every day. Running is empowering, and it is also humbling. I hope to be able to continue down this trail of adventure, and share these incredible experiences as I go. I love what Run Bum offers in venue selection, priceless experience and amazing memories and would love to be a part of your team!
100 mile event this Dec, GDR 2023. Goal is improved endurance and strength overall. I hope to encourage women in my age group and beyond to never give up on something they want to accomplish.
IG @gwenncase FB Gwenn Rivers Case