Joshua Gray
Red Team
I feel like this is probably a pretty good topic for a video. I went back to the beginning of my channel, yikes. I never really introduced myself😂.
I’ve been a runner in one form or another my entire life. When I was a kid I could run forever. I ran cross country through high school, though pretty poorly.
In 2004, I quit drinking alcohol and running filled the void. I ran the Chicago Marathon in 2004 and was fortunate enough to qualify for Boston. I ran Boston in 2005 and re-qualified for the Boston Marathon at the Boston Marathon in 2006. I ran a few more marathons after that but changed my focus from distance-running to playing lacrosse which I have done since I was 13 or 14 years old and still play today.
In 2019 I looked down and saw that I had gained 15 pounds and I wasn’t in the shape that I wanted to be in. So I set a goal to run a sub three marathon. I was deep into that training cycle when Covid hit and marathons got canceled. I pivoted away from the roads and disappeared out onto trails. I think it was around this time that I saw a video on Western states on YouTube, that’s all it took. That’s the goal - sub 24 at WS.
Everything since then has been documented relatively well on my YouTube channel which I really hope that I can continue to grow. More importantly, I hope that my channel inspires somebody else to take action on their own life and realize that we are capable of so much more than we believe!
I'm a Husband, Dad, entrepreneur, adventure seeking boundary pusher. I want to connect with my family, nature and hopefully make some great friends along the path. I want to learn, to get better and to share what works for me so that it may help someone else to realize that they are no different than me. That we are capable of so much more than we believe we are capable of. I am constantly seeking the same inspiration. I think Sean is succeeding in doing the same thing!
I mainly want to get stronger - build muscular endurance on top of a pretty solid physical base. Short term goal is to run L2O in October, Just Survive 125 in January - and I haven't shared this but my goal is for this Floridian to podium at Tahoe 200 next summer! I am running this race in Memoriam, for Phil Brown who tragically died in 2017 before he could achieve this dream. This race has been deferred or outright cancelled 4 times since he passed away that he and then the Foundation had registered for. The Pheel Good Foundation has decided to not move forward and pay for another entry into Tahoe 200. because of the train of obstacles that seem to be in the way every year. I will pay my own way and still run on the Foundations' behalf. I plan to realize his dream in spectacular fashion, and hope to give such a worthy foundation some much needed attention in the process!
https://www.strava.com/athletes/thepath https://www.youtube.com/c/OffandOnthePathtoUltra https://www.facebook.com/onthePathtoUltra https://fastestknowntime.com/athlete/joshua-gray Instagram: thepathtoultra and grayjjoshua