Paul Tilley
Blue Team
My journey began somewhere around 2017. Me and my brother were avid backpackers at the time and we enjoyed chasing each other through the mountains, jogging the downhills, power climbing the uphills, all with 40lbs on our back. One day we read Born to Run and a fire was lit so we signed up for the Pilot Mountain 20k. Two days before the race I twisted my ankle on a training run but didn't tell anyone and showed up to race anyway. After a very painful day I somehow managed to keep it together and beat my brother by roughly a minute. I couldn't walk afterwards and was on crutches for the next week, but I was hooked. I went on to complete my first 50k later that year and the next spring I successfully completed my first Quest for the Crest 50k.
These days I prefer rugged mountain ultras with tons of vert!
I currently plan to run the Black Mountain Ultra Traverse and Cloudsplitter 100 in October, then in 2023 I will be running Forgotten Florida 100, GDR, and my fifth consecutive Quest for the Crest. After that I am considering a potential FKT attempt on the Appalachian High Route.
Aside from my own personal goals I would also like to start an addict outreach running group. I have struggled with addiction in the past and running has helped me so much. I would love to pass on the sport that I love so much to others who desperately need something.
Facebook- Paul Tilley / Instagram - Beer Belly Running