Shane Evans
Blue Team
I survived a cancer that was supposed to kill me at 21 years old. After a brutal surgery into my orbital sinus, along with 28 days of radiation and a year’s worth of the most extreme forms of Chemo, I fought my way through and survived. It came at a cost however. Throughout that year, I lost almost 100lbs. It severely degraded my body and I was worried I would never be fit or healthy again. Slowly but surely over the course of several long years I began to regain my health. I first started with minimalistic strength training. I primed my mind, muscles and body for what was to come. Once I achieved that connection within myself, It was showtime! I came into my 30’s ready to become what I was supposed to be. My story was only delayed, not destroyed. I began powerlifting and achieved incredible results. I was stronger than ever before. From that point, it was time to get out of the shadows of the gym. I was ready to take on life, explore the world and do the things I could’ve only dreamed of doing. Even though it seemed impossible, I wanted to conquer the mountains. I spent the majority of 2021 planning, preparing, and learning the trails of the Southeastern Appalachians. I would achieve a new hike every week. New mountains, new trails, and new adventures. While on the trails, it became really fun to understand pace and then try to increase my speed each time. I started challenging myself and pushing harder. It awoke something inside of me that’s always been there…my competitive nature. I spent 500 miles in the mountains(completely solo) but it was time to take the next step. That’s when I signed up for my first Spartan race in fall of last year. Once I got a taste of competing against other incredible athletes, it changed my life in so many amazing ways. ((Side story time: Truth be told, in my 35 years of life I had never ran a mile EVER - nevertheless, with all of my hiking, I knew I was capable of doing it. I just needed to find that extra push - enter, competitions)) After doing the 10k Spartan in fall, and the half marathon Spartan in winter, I realized the aspect that I loved most of those races was actually the running. Once Spartan ended for the season, I dreamed of becoming a runner. The very first event that I seen available to compete in was….drum rollllll…Helen Holiday Half! I was so excited! Christmas Spirit, Helen GA, Anna Ruby Falls, Trail Running…it was perfect! I immediately signed up for the Half Marathon. Even though I felt out of my league at that time, I was dedicated and determined to accomplish it. That event absolutely blew my mind!! So many top tier runners, legends and people having an amazing time. I felt it was exactly where I wanted and needed to be. It was truly inspiring. Despite how challenging that course was at that time, I was truly happy with my performance for my first real trail race(that time is laughable now because I would beat it by atleast 45 minutes but still…It was good for me on my first lol). I found out a lot about myself that day. I realized I was capable of sooooo much. Earning that medal is still one of my most prized possessions and a big accomplishment in my life. After the race, I introduced myself to you. I told you I was just getting started and that you would definitely see me again. Happy AF/Cloud Nine/Runner’s High. I spent the rest of the day in Helen dreaming for a huge 2022! And those dreams became reality. On January 8th, I ran my first competition of the year. Ever since then I have literally competed every single weekend. Up to this point so far in August, I have participated in 36 events! I have 27 more planned before the year is over! I’m just getting started too! I’ve continuously watched my pace improve dramatically. I truly feel like I’m becoming a top tier runner too. I want it. And I’m that person that will do anything to get it too. Everything I’ve done so far has been solo. Imagine how much farther I could go with a little push, teaching, support, and other runners to pace/race with. There’s no telling how far I could I go. I would be so honored to be a part of an elite team such as Team Bend Don't Break. I feel like my life has led me up this point. Even though I don’t have much of a past with running…I absolutely have a bright future in running. With all of that being said, Thank you for reading through my journey. I truly hope I can be considered for this team because it would be a dream come true. But regardless of the outcome, I owe so much to Run Bum Races and I am forever grateful. Thank you!!
Working towards many Ultra’s in 2023(50k’s and up). Competitive Ultras are the ultimate goal first and foremost. Also, I have my sights set on a sub20 minute 5k and lastly to qualify for the Elite Heats in Spartan OCR.
SHANE EVANS -> https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100054927305950 —Instagram will be coming up shortly