Sylvia Underwood
Red Team
I’ve come a long way…
From running track in middle school to getting on the cross country team and hating the slowness of running off road. Fast forward to being a young mom with a bunch of kids with no money or time, to discover that a cheap pair of shoes could bring me alone time and happy endorphins. I came across the video on Fb where Sean presented the Sky to Summit race. I must’ve watched a million times and I wanted to do it! Registration was full and I had NEVER run that far much less on trails like that! But I kept watching. A new client of mine who knows Sean told me to try the Helen Holiday race and set how I’d like it, which I did… and the rest is history… lol. I loved it! I got more involved and was excited to help with Trail maintenance at S2S one year and got to ask all the questions… all of which Sean summed up with “you can do it” and so I did. It got me on a path of things I still wonder how I did them. But yes, it catapulted me into a lot more then Trail running…
To finish all the races I’ve signed up for with a smile on my face and upright🙌🏼
Instagram: @Heart _in_motion